Tuesday, October 24, 2017

More than Friends

Old Friends.
Known for more than 4 decades, this friend has been more than a friend. Her thoughts, gestures, beliefs and taste are almost akin to mine. To some, we need not speak our minds. A gaze and a nod will already bring meaning and understanding. She is someone you can rely on and she extends help and generosity anytime; so she can be closer than your own siblings.

 Chin Loi invited me to Hong Kong Island where her daughter is working at the moment. The girlfriends had a getaway from home for a week for a time of sharing and shopping. It is precious time ; difficult to have a repeat. Doing things together was a joy and privilege. I thank God for the opportunity given.

 Joy to the right is petite but strong in spirit. 
Mother and child only meet in late evening hours and before they knew it; it is already morning and another day for work.
So being together indeed needs concerted effort.

What do you do in Hong Kong?
Chin Loi the GPS searched google for the best places to eat.
We did find some of them.

 The above eatery is one famous for beef noodles, Kow Kee is found at Central. After trudging for hours along Lan Kwee Fong and the adjacent streets, we finally found the famous noodles prepared in both soup or dry forms. Was it fantastic? It reminded of Siong Kee noodles in Petaling Street. To be truthful there is a fight. In fact, I will without prejudice say the own back home is tastier. We were put off but the not so polite cashier who chided us for taking a small plastic bag without prior consent from her. She quoted that we have put them in a questionable position as plastic bags are banned. Well, there are other ways to deliver the message we feel,

 Food cooked in crock pots are not a rare practice here. Chinese cooking with sesame oil, ginger, minced pork and seasoning is the call of the day. After a prolonged delay in our flight; the food served at the restaurant below Joy's condominium was a most welcoming sight. We were hungry and all diners had a 15% discount for meals after 930 pm. I believe this is one marketing strategy.

My memory is short. I find it difficult to recall this place where we had wanton noodles served with beef. The noodles is crispy and smooth. Oh dear. Where was this? Anyway, it was better than that from Kow Kee.

 Claypot rice either with meat or fish servings and we were taught to scrape the sides and bottom of pot for the burnt rice. They say it is this that most crave for. Dad asked me if the kangkong was cooked in belacan. Of course it was not.

 To both of us, the congee cooked with internals cannot be any more that one can ask for. Smooth and palatable, we craved for more after we finished. The Chee Cheong Fun on the left with a generous serving of sesame seeds was also simple and easy, good for us. This menu is found along the streets of the island and is a favourite for breakfast and lunch.

Around a nearby corner near our place of stay is a street famous for the best food.  Here again we found ourselves consuming beef noodles in a different style . The milk tea is also a must here. Nobody comes to this eatery without drinking that tea. Of course I had mine and it gave me a sleepless night.

In Hong Kong, tim sum is at every corner and every outlet has its own followers; it is a matter of taste. Mind you, if you order chinese tea it is easily RM8.00 per person. They charge through head count. Nothing is cheap. We kept converting and ended up frustrated till we reminded each other that when in Rome we have to do what the Romans do. Just eat and do not compare and contrast.

 This is the famous egg pancake. We had it at a store where we saw photos of famous people lining up for a taste of it. Nothing too fantastic though.

The highlight of our last evening was having tea at a top floor of a shopping mall. The crowd was big and food was a great variety cooked in a most delicious manner. Of course the price was commendable too. A simple tea for HK350.00 only. 

We had red tea with dates. Nice. We promised each other that when we get home we will also prepare tea in red dates. The pineapple tarts prepared in the form of yellow canaries was a staggering RM10.00 each. Actually I am not quite used to this but Joy said it was already very reasonable.

If you notice carefully, we had fried wanton, fried vegetable pancakes, roti canai the Chinese way , and the tarts with tea. Just that. But they say more importantly is the experience, not the money.
So let it be.

All about food.

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