Saturday, July 05, 2014


 My father turns 96.
It's a big figure.
I often reflect upon his ways; how he goes through life.
Not easy to put into words but I try to remember his ways.

 Almost every year we try to be as accurate as possible because he seems to be always celebrating his 95th year. His identity card says he was born in 1919 but he often says he was born in the year of the Monkey of the Chinese calendar; that will make him 95 this year; but the Chinese adds 1 year to birthdays; don't ask me why so it is a valid figure for him. His grandsons say the figure doesn't matter anymore...only a figure to celebrate.

My father has gone through life relatively well protected by the Almighty who has been merciful to him. Kong Kong came to know Jesus at the age of 92 after his children had interceded in prayers for about 33 years. Numbers like 96, 92 and 33 are long years. But we all live under the grace and mercy of God; don't we? How to trudge through life without God?

 So my father has 4 generations tucked under him; and all can vouch that he is fun-loving and  easy going; his generations do not mind running back to him for weekends and play with him. Therefore, learn to be fun and easy going so that your children will run back to you for enjoyment.
 Hold no grudges and let go.
I often tell myself that.

 See, yam seng. He can get still get us into stitches with his wit. He converses well above my intelligence and is quick with figures. Nothing escapes his calculations. He will laugh at my weakness in figures. But I must learn to be quick too in figures because that is part of his secret of staying fit mentally. So, be fit in figures.

 The restaurant we went too served good food. Ordinary ingredients made perfect with elaboration and creativity. Somehow food tastes good with a little bit of imagination.

 This pomfret was good; but you should be able to guess the best part of it.
Yes, the carcass.

 You may have embraced different religious beliefs; but when you are a Chinese, the noodles is a must during birthday times; longevity and strength. No cutting or shortening of the staple; eat it long.
This dish is almost always served at the end of the dinner; but you have to stuff it in; respect for the celebrated party.
My father is smart; he eats in small portions and the rest he pushes to the younger generations.
Another secret recipe; don't eat large portions during meal times; take them small.
However, I must say that he used to eat big portions during his younger days but I notice he has been watching his diet; smart old man. Even at 96, he prefers to obey the doctor.
Though he speaks loudly; he being a Hakka and Chinese; he is meek at times as he is obedient to instructions. Now you know why I also want to be obedient.

 We wondered at the number of candles to light up and finally decided that 9 big ones and 6 smaller ones instead of just a single big one. Why? he loves to blow candles.

 Not everyone could make it for this occasion. Next year; everyone promises to be back.
He is indeed a good reason for all to be home. 

 Grace picked this photo to show him blow candles at his grandson's birthday some 30 years ago. Now you believe me? He loves to blow candles even when it is not on his birthday. Another great lesson; spend time with loved ones and enjoy moments with them.

 That's the grand girls with his fourth generation. Do you see the father in the photo above? I mean can you spot the great grandson's father in the birthday snap above? How time flew.

 What a lovely shot. Grace and Esther with Pam and the baby in the tummy. 
The 3rd and 4th generations.
Be fruitful; that's another lesson. You get to enjoy the fruits of your labour!

 A toast to my father. May he continue to enjoy good health and happiness for many, many, many more years. God bless our father; we pray.

Finally, if you want to stay happy and live long; watch football. My father glues himself to the box every night and knows who has won and lost. Yes, I promise to look up to find the answers.
So, be informative and still take pains to know what is happening around you; do that to live long.

So, we must not retire from work...hahahaha.

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