Sunday, January 05, 2014

Inter Generational Joy

 Today I heard a story in church; I like stories that uplift and add meaning to life; also affirming some beliefs. 
The speaker told of a research done on the community of a local county in the States; how the locals live extra long lives and happier ones. Scientists are puzzled that their not so watchful diet and lack of exercise still allow them to have longer existence than their counterparts. What was their secret?
Yes; meaningful encounters with loved ones.
In fact, in most homes of the town, they practise extended family co-existence. It is not uncommon to find 3 generations under the same roof ; sharing dinner times and common food. There was inter personal exchanges and seeing one another through in life. Perhaps, the encouragement and hope they pour upon loved ones gave them endurance, meaning and prolong their livelihood. It was added that the locals took pains to stop and chat with one another in town; the element of care and concern is another feature to behold. 
So practise inter generational living for meaningful living.
I also notice a new feature popping up here. Nowadays it is common to see the younger generation seeking the help of the older generation for support especially if there are babies along the way and what better solution to have your own mothers looking after young babies? 
Ha...during my days it was different. We live far apart because we were all flocking to the city for jobs. We had to rush between work and home and keep our sanity in tact. 
I wonder what will it be like for my children?
Will we also practise inter generational living?
Some say absence makes the heart grow fonder; others say out of sight out of mind.
Looks like it is best not to be out of sight.
Perhaps in this time and place, it is good to consciously practise inter generational living and love one another dearly; it prolongs meaningful existence.

This is indeed inter generational. I can see 4 generations here. I love my parents because they are exemplary and just looking at them gives us meaning and gratitude. Even at their ripe old age, their love and concern for each and everyone of us be it children, grandchildren or great grandchildren is undying. They have taught us integrity, generosity and responsibility; values they practise and to be passed down to us. Though we all do not live under the same roof; the love of my parents seep through us daily.
That is inter generational joy. 
God bless our parents; we pray.

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