Wednesday, April 03, 2013

The Future Scientists

 The Epitome of the week.
An array of experiments and ideas displayed to transfer knowledge and information.

 Today saw the children sharing their creativity and hopefully to instil a greater interest in innovation.

 They gathered early in the day to exhibit their talents and ideas; they needed to share.

 How do colours float? Which should be on top of which?

 They told me that honey has the highest density.

 Alcohol is the lightest; it will float on top of everyone else!

 Thus based on the principle of density, the rainbow colours are created.

 A light bulb with graphite-based mechanical pencil refill as a filament; electricity is conducted through the mechanical pencil refill causing the temperature of the 'filament' to go up and resulting in a bright glow; by the students of 4B.

 The light energy converts to electrical energy by the solar panel thus it produces kinetic energy; moving the bicycle. The light intensity could be increased thus increasing the kinetic energy.

 So, they tell me this is the principle behind the lava expulsion of volcanic mountains.

 The power of panadol with its effervescent properties will cause a reaction.

 Bubbles are formed and thus the movements alike to the expulsion of lava.

 So, if you happen to meet those who are mutes; this combination of signs will tell the story.

 Yes, using the sign language to communicate.

 Unbalanced molecular attraction at the surface of a liquid causes surface tension. Each molecule below the surface attracts and is attracted by molecules on all sides of it. The attraction at the surface pull the surface molecules down and to the sides but there is nothing above to help balance these attractions. As a result, the surface molecules are pulled together and act like elastic skin.

 Thus a competition is made to see who puts in the most drops !

 Old but steady hands...
 Puan Loy is the winner !

 Ivy blew from the bottom...

 And the top...
 Bernoulli's Principle says if you blow from the top it has a higher velocity of air and lower pressure, thus causing it to move blow from the top !

Now it's all about eggs.

 Eggs undergo osmosis... egg shell with its calcium properties reacts with acetic acid in vinegar and dissolves it...
 Thus, it looks naked...shelless.

 That's a thick dictionary and a piece of brick sitting on eggs !

 I discovered that they were all empty eggs...the strength behind empty shells... so now you can sometimes believe empty talk can work wonders.

 Last but never the least, Sara must learn how to separate egg yolks from egg white; the scientific way !
Watch it.

Those were only but some of the experiments displayed.
Too many for the old mind to write.
It was a good display of hard work.

1 comment:

  1. Science and Math week and Library week are the two most happening events in our school. The experiments this year seem interesting and refreshing. :D
