Monday, April 01, 2013

First of April

 No. It's not April fool's day.
It was a day of fun and celebration again.

 Today the school launched the Maths and Science week.
It is a week of invention, creativity and discovery.

 Manoj, the MC is a versatile one. He speaks well and held us in stitches with his charisma and wit.
He said we can solve Maths problems with creativity, imagination and it's eureka!

 The Form Sixes gave us a brief history of world class scientists; including Einstein. Ivy with 'the long one and short one' Shanghai tune made us cackle as she showed the long and short bulbs; a product of Edison. So they swayed to modern era tunes including the famous Korean tune.

 Then the fifth formers talked about shapes in 2 Ds and of course Kishore's 3D discovery of the circle.

 Kishore 'mati mati' also insisted that there is more to 2 3Ds in real life shapes!

 Amidst the launch, we had Robin's comrades all the way from Belgium! Nele, Lisa, Tina and Charlotte. They are on a "Visit Malaysia" drive and are enjoying the charm of the country.
Malaysia to them is "pedas" and "panas" ... hot in food and weather !

But Malaysia is surely different; we speak the Malay Language and yet the students are so comfortable with the English Language! So they say they normally do not assemble the way we do and Robin says it is refreshingly good. Our special Belgium guests had a taste of the morning assembly. They had a good laugh at the way the students acted on the stage.
Surely, we are different and the teachers are innovative.

 Today also is special. Someone's birthday.

 Yes, it's the dear principal's birthday ! Happy Birthday dear Datin !

 She warmly said " share, share, share"; as it is also Madam Tan Chin Chin's day too !
So many April babies.
 The boys and girls came together to add joy and colour to the day.

Today we celebrated the birthday of 3 teachers: Tan Chin Chin, Datin Zaleha and Hong Yu Hoon.
It is indeed a happy day ; to be part of an extended family.

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