When there is a call to meet Emily's needs dad and I knew that we had to heed the call. While waiting news for a house help there is sometimes the possibility of filling in the gap.
How can anyone resist her? At 4 months she is already crawling and alert to all forms of senses.
Her legs will kick at the keys for music and her fingers grasp the mobile toys dangling in the air. Entertaining Emily is a tiring affair. She seems to be wanting attention 24/7 when awake and is never satisfied with mere pattings here and there. You can make her happy when you put on nursery rhymes on the u tube and sing along. Oh; it seems easier to handle 1000 children in school.
A care giver's duty is surely a commendable one.
Oh yes there is this constant battle to fight when feeding. The mama at work will pump milk for bottle feeding and the poor child has to decide which is which : the bottle or mama's milk? Training a child at least 2 methods of drinking milk is essential for working mothers or hell will surely break lose. Getting her feed fully done is discipline. You can actually be stressed out if not done well but a little reminder once in a while is helpful ; babies will eventually grow.
Then there is this sleep pattern to handle. Mama at work instructs but a lot again will depend on maternal instincts and the need of the day. You pat her back and put her head against the shoulder? No, no you put her on a sleeping position in your arms? Or you put her on the stomach and coax her to slumber? You need the pacifier to calm her but she rejects it ? But I brought up all my babies sleeping in a sarong. Oh the sarong ? It's a big no but I insisted. So when the going gets tough the sarong is the answer; at least it works for me with Emily although her parents still think it is not practical.
When baby Emily is asleep, it's time to clean, cook and eat. Then you make sure you are around all the time to ensure that length of sleep or she gets cranky and unfriendly.
Then it is a chore to handle the cries and fuss.
Oh I hope and pray that Aunt Allie's niece will be able to come soon or everyone will be busy...
My stay here is short just to fill an immediate gap. I will miss Emily but I am also needed elsewhere. It's painful to leave her behind but the needful has to be done.
When doing my favourite hobby , I always have Emily in mind. I think of baby clothes and look out for fine material to cut a pattern for her. Look at my latest sewn a couple of weeks ago. I had better complete whatever I have planned to do or I may not be able to find the time to do soon.
For Emily I can find reason to do my best.
I take pains to edge and gather neatly just to make sure she will have a pretty dress.
Look at the tiny panty I sewed to complete the attire.
Now she can wear a dress together with the panty. Nice ?
But best of all. I also made a summer dress for myself using the same material. I look forward to the day when I can hold Emily's hands and stroll along the streets with her. Surely they can tell we are granny and grand child because we have the same 'look'.
My imagination can definitely run wild with her in mind.
Anything for you Emily.
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