Sunday, October 01, 2017

Pablo or Bruno?

Yes , it's been quite a while.
There has been much on my plate of late; so writing is put aside. 
But you do miss talking at times. 
So, today I will try to start the ball rolling again by talking about a new pet.
This really feels like going back to school.

To begin with, I am afraid I am not much of an animal lover, Why you may ask. First, perhaps it is because I was never brought up in a home background where pets are kept and loved. My parents are survivors all their lives and so I have been tuned towards sales and money. So, to be involved in any pet topic truly is not my cup of tea.

However, life has its funny side. Married to an animal lover especially dogs , I have learnt a few tricks about them. To me, dogs are your friends when you need protection. Oh I remembered the first dog, Sunny a Spitz with white fur and looked really pretty and yet those fur sometimes gave me the creeps. I got worked up when its fur flew everywhere in the house and Grace was a mere baby. I got even more disturbed when Sunny had to be put down under my eyes as she was suffering badly and when dad was away outstation at work. A lot of pain and guilt. But it is good to hear the cliche; all dogs go to heaven.

The next dog was a German Shepherd; Lubby. This one was an old faithful. Intelligent and truly a home guard, she was bought a trained dog for a purpose. Guess what? She was bought to protect my house against recalcitrant students who threatened me in school because they were in for expulsion. So Lubby was a good one. Well. she had to be put down too.

My episodes with dogs are sad. After Lubby, trust me there were at least another 4 to 5 dogs that we kept all because dad said there are too many ladies in the home. The dogs are ladies too ! So dogs are to protect us. In truth this is not so. Poor Allie dreaded the smell of them and yet had to wash them and I could see it was a chore. No, she is no animal lover too. But what all the girls wanted to was to proclaim " we have a dog"... and has nothing to do with them after that; no cleaning, no looking after them and so on. Not that I am any better, but at least I had to fork out a lot of money to buy "DOG FOOD" every month. It is not cheap on top of those vet visits.

So, I honestly enjoyed the last couple of years without dogs when the last one was put down. You see, all I remember about dogs are they had to be fed, washed, removed from lice and finally put down. So, what is the point? I know some animal lovers are going to shoot me down. How is it you do not establish a friendship with them? Seriously, I don't know how or see the need to. Well, those are my rantings.

A couple of days ago, another non animal lover in the family had cleverly suggested that the family adopt another dog again. All she did was to bring the puppy to the house simply because little Emily is coming soon. So the 2 babies can play with one another. Looks like a slick arrangement. Again, the girls are always up to all these and they just wash their hands clean. So the 3 older folks in the home now has to put up with their game. The puppy is a month old. The journey is truly long and arduous. Last evening we had to go buy milk powder, baby dog food and put up with the incessant cries throughput the night. A new home is strange to him.

Meet the puppy. Even the name has created a fight among them. 
Pablo or Bruno ? Dad wants Bruno but the smart ones think it should be Pablo. I will only say "come here !" Nameless. Don't know what the name is until fully brought to court.

He's a mix. Don't ask me what is it. But I smell hard work and heart ache.

Dad says he must be caged for rest. The puppy whined the whole night. Poor Allie again. Next to her room. 
Fortunately the backdoor neighbour has not moved in.

Dad says leave it to him. He wants it. That is also for not having babies to love. The girls should have more babies and not filling the empty nest with puppies. Dad is a natural with animals. Fishes and dogs but not cats I believe. By the way, the cat in Grace's apartment, I have forgotten the name, will hide herself whenever I am in town. Yes, I just have that aura.

More stories to come.

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