Wednesday, September 09, 2015


Remembering them.

I am not sure if they remember, but I do think of them in my free time and recall our times together in school. When you have been colleagues for a good part of your life you cannot help but recap their habits, attitudes and values in life. Some values and beliefs concur with you while some may differ. But there are some basic core values which pull individuals together may it be discipline, honesty, integrity and practices.

I have long wanted to talk about them.
So today is a good day.

We have all retired. But do not be fooled. All are still looking good and up to the mark. Here they are : LJJ, GPC, LCY. Don't you think we are still fit?

What do I remember about them?

LJJ is a maths jargon. She is strict in her own ways and a disciplinarian to her own children but an angel to others. Her students can vouch for that. A conscientious teacher, she looked into the affairs of the children well. When her heart is set on that KPI and that everyone must pass that public test, she will not allow a soul go unattended to. Such is her passion for them.
Kind and gentle, her role as a disciplinarian chief many years ago resulted in a school well cared for with minimal repercussions from the recalcitrant but instead turned hard cores into softer beings. Skillful in many ways; excellent at teaching and brilliant in bringing the wayward back. Sitting at home now, I think she needs to be back in the scene.

Next, is the evergreen GPC. Nothing can tempt her in life; definitely not even silver or gold. She works and lives for a set of values which she holds true in life.
When given a task, Ms Goh leaves no stone unturned. Tip top and computer savvy, she defends the data and statistics of the school with a manner that no one can question. It is very difficult for her to commit a mistake. She is unforgiving to herself whenever a mistake is made and corrects in humility.
Talking about her teaching skills. She is an Add Maths supreme teacher and it will be a long. long while if any form 6 student can forget her, She is sacrificial; coaxed her protege to learn and relearn; bought them food and sweets and would even invite them to her house if need to for further coaching. Such is the integrity she holds in life.
 Refusing to go beyond 56, she quit on the grounds that she could not give her best. She doesn't realise that some who do not deserve to be a teacher still went on...
If you have her as a coach, you should thank your lucky star. So, do you not think she should be back to help others too?

The demure and patient LCY reads and teaches Chemistry. Gentle and soft spoken she has led many to score in the subject and even won in great competitions when her students entered Science competitions. She will quietly go about her ways but always making sure duties are performed to her best capacity.
Generous and always giving treats, she is a good friend to many and her not so insistent ways have garnered a lot of approval here and there. Her motherly skills have seen her successful in leading all her sons and daughter into the medical field and her humble disposition makes her an easy person to be with.
But where teaching is concerned it is also no play, play...

You see all my friends are exemplary characters and excellent teachers belonging to the era of old. They say old is gold. How true can it be. Old in age but young at heart. They should be back in the teaching scene. Agree?

Teachers forever.

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