Thursday, August 06, 2015

The Appreciation

Today was appreciation day for the retired civil servants of the state of Selangor. 
A gathering of more than a thousand retirees thronged the hall in Shah Alam.
 The Director of Education of the state took time off to be with us.

 It was a once a chance in one's lifetime. Many who came were old colleagues of former schools and we were glad to see one another again. 
It was also a reminder that we have hit that age limit and it's time for rest.
Rest. What rest? Almost everyone I met would ask the same question : what are you doing now?
Isn't it obvious? Rest and chill? But no. The infamous question would pop out of nowhere and it's what are you going to do next.  The district officer jokingly said that one would surely feel lost and disorientated by the fourth month of retirement.
 I have reached the fourth month and he sounds quite precise. 
To my surprise quite a number are actively involved in the work force again ; some full time and some part time. It surely is not easy to JUST RETIRE. There is something called routine and a need to be back on one's feet. Well, the grass is always greener on the other side. 
It's good to have a good combination of rest and work; I think.

 Phung of Seafield is and old pal. We were together for more than 10 years. After knowing each other for so long, one need not say anything to know almost everything about each other. That's the beauty of friendship. We know each other's children by name and we see all of them grow up. She taught my children and I taught hers. Friends indeed ; forever. We wish each other a good retirement life.
Some even say life has just begun.

 All present were given a watch and a certificate of appreciation .
I took the watch and wore it. It was an article in memory of retirement.

But this is a good memory. To be etched in an image best depicted by the children. It was a journey of discovery, love, kinship, friendship, knowledge, self development and the list is endless. I thank God for His divine presence, guidance, protection throughout the 36 years of teaching. The students, friends, parents and colleagues who came along are precious in the heart and the experience unforgettable.
 It was fun while it lasted and if you were to ask me if I wanted to be a teacher again, the answer is a resounding YES.

Thank You , dear God.

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