Tuesday, May 05, 2015

The Helper

The Cash Register and the Computer

Going around I observe the present business scenario requires a cash register and at times a computer indicating inventory status. Perhaps even more impending is the need to have someone to manage the equipment.

At a local coffee outlet in Muar where I usually frequent with my parents , I noticed that the old couple who used to man the business not there to attend to our order, In place is a new combination; an old man and a young man. The old one did the coffee making while the younger one saw to the taking of order but more importantly registering the sale. It looks as if the business cannot go on without the lad because of the new business requirement on GST. The ill -equipped without computer knowledge has an uphill challenge.

Next, the noodle stall which caters to many for breakfast and lunch which was once manned by an industrious lady is now manned by a refreshing group of younger ones; her sons, daughters and in laws. Now, I have been told she only sees to baby sitting duties. I suspect it could be related to the new regulation too. Every sale of drink and noodles is registered. This would be too much for her to manage. So, the young computer savvy ones will have to take over; other wise it is another closure story.

Back in Subang Jaya, I was delighted to see an ex-student managing the cash register to help his parents. Casually, I mentioned to the parents that they were fortunate to have a son who now helps manage the business. The father looked into my eyes and reiterated that he would quit without him. That is was too much for him to handle stock and register. Another young lad coming to the aid of the older generation.

The reliable abacus

Have you ever seen this? The abacus.
Ha. Stories from ancient days, My father is good with figures chiefly because he has been trained by this equipment. The Chinese back in my father's days were taught to add and multiply with it, It's speed is commendable. But I have never learnt how it is operated. My father is an expert at it but when it comes to the computer, he gave up. Truly his spirit is willing but his flesh is weak. 

At the bottom line, business has to be aided with technology known only to the literate and right language. It's taking a toll on the not so savvy ones and it is quite sad to see small, quaint businesses closing down to avoid going against the law. Well, that's part of progress, I suppose.

It's just a reflection on the changes in life.

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