Monday, April 20, 2015

A Last Resort

Sara's Pet.

When she was a little girl, she used to received furry stuff; kangaroos, teddy bears, cats, dogs and the list. But you will grow out of them and soon they will be stored away. A stuffed toy tucked away for more than 2 decades is hard to find but eureka we still have one of them. What do we do with some of them? Recycle? Give away? We found a new use.

Dad's outdoor ceiling is high; he loves the tropical feel and would not agree to anything less. It's difficult to convince him about buildings and looks and I have given up long ago. I know where my strengths are and my weaknesses too. So, we learn to keep quiet when the forte is not there.
His high ceiling does provide a challenge though. 
What is the challenge you may ask?
No, not the cleaning part only.
Guess it.
Bird droppings.
The birds chirp beautifully in the mornings but they leave behind droppings that are detestable. It's not fun to have to get rid of them each day. The birds get bolder by the day. 
So, what do we do with them?
I know in Muar some homes face the same problem because I have seen residents hanging used cds to scare away the birds.
Yes, to scare them away. 

Sometimes dad's memory is good when a need arises.
Where is Sara's pet cat?
We dug it out !

It looks real, doesn't it?

There the perfect scare.
The watchdog of the house.
Not afraid of the rain and sun.
What a good use.

But the best news.
No droppings this morning.
That's why I am sharing with you the good news.

Try it, friends.

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