Monday, July 14, 2014

The Ensemble

 The day arrived.
The players were excited and were definitely looking forward to it; a day where skills and talents amalgamated and formed a choral of tunes and music meant for the privileged. We were indeed privileged to be given the opportunity to hear the students both old and present play their best.

 From a humble gathering of a handful of enthusiasts in 2006, the Wind Orchestra of the school has developed into a team to be envied by many schools. Today, they showed off all that they had for when iron had entered their souls since its inception, the members of the Orchestra made sure the best was given to the audience.

 Both Isaac and Maisarah took the helm as the Mcs of the evening as they concurred in words and expressions delivering their feelings and appreciation after each piece was delivered. Maisarah is sweet and demure whereas Isaac is the perfect gentlemen complementing his co-Mc  every moment. They are a good pair as they brought the evening alive with their commenting.

 "Air on G-string " of Johann Sebastian Bach and "Spring-Allegro" of Antonio Vivadi were played skilfully and reminded Maisarah of flowers blossoming in Spring. They were bright and breezy.

 Mozart started music at the age of 5 and his eternally-loved tune ; "twinkle,twinkle little star" were played in 4 variations to the delight of the audience. I have never heard the tune played in this manner; so refreshingly different and enjoyable.
The dedicated instructors; Siow Khai Yi and Samuel Wong worked hard to make the team what it is today. Their grit and perseverance were instrumental in the development of this team.

 Perhaps the dedication he created is clearly depicted when the members of yester year made it a point to come back and together put up an explosive performance. Their medley of songs from the album of Abba - Mama Mia and Dancing Queen got many into tapping their feet in tandem with the tango of the music. What a combination of effort. Mr. Siow has indeed instilled a love and penchant for music in the young hearts.

 Regina, an ex-member shared her joys and good memories of the orchestra as she grew and labored with it. She especially dedicated the success of the evening to the dedication of parents who have sacrificially set aside time and energy to ferry their wards to and back from school for practices. Today, the parents came in big numbers to give them the support only love can show. What a privilege to see the loved ones coming together in this manner.

 The room was packed to the brim as all 700 seats were snapped up. This was also a maiden effort to stage the performance at such a scale in the Yak Chee hall. In fact, it was a nostalgic come back as many of the members originated from this primary school. Paul, the PTA member recalled how funds were fiercely raised for the building of the hall. Lee Ling on the extreme right shared that her daughter too was partly involved in the fund-raising effort except that she never had a chance to taste of her involvement as the hall was only ready for use in the last 3 years. So the present badge of students are the lucky lot; but that's life. We teach children to donate irrespective of motive.

 After a short interval, the members came together for "The Thunderer", of John Philip Sousa. Next, they did "Novena" and "Invicta" of James Swearingen in an ensemble of memorable sounds as violins, flutes, clarinets and trumpets concurred melodiously.

 The coordination was excellent and for an ensemble of this scale, much effort and hard work had been incorporated. They were completely good examples of skills and true grit.

 A catchy medley from Joe Hisaishi's collection added colour ; we hardly knew and felt time. Soon, the hours were ticking away without our knowledge. The members with the saxophones, horn, trumpets, tuba and trombone clanged in combinations soothing to the hearers. There was so much skill.

Jurassic Park songs made alive by the orchestra ! It was indeed an evening of tremendous joy.
All joys need to end though.
Before long, the show had to come to an end as encore after encore were asked.

 Mr. Siow expressed his thanksgiving to the past members for their effort and love performance as the younger ones looked at them. They too will emulate their good work in future.

What a good evening.
The members were directly involved in the organization of the show right from booking of the hall to the sales of tickets and the transport of instruments to and fro. There was dedication, sacrifice and great team spirit. I am so very proud of them. They are capable of even greater achievement and success.
The best news is they have raised a commendable sum to buy more instruments. 

Congratulations, boys and girls.
  You have done your Alma  Mater so very proud.
Kudos many times.
Well done.
The Wind Orchestra of SMK Seksyen 4 Bandar Kinrara.

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