Thursday, June 19, 2014

It is ready

  The stage is ready for a good cause.
The school is growing in both size and popularity.
Space is precious and congestion is sure happening in particular ; the canteen.
So, the most natural thing to do is to create more space for comfort during recess.

 See, there is a need to think of a solution ; how do we help them?
Initially created for a 600 populace, the figure is no more relevant now and space must be created.
You set your mind to look for space.

 The children are fortunate. Close to the canteen is an empty space as though it is left aside for expansion. So, the space comes in handy now. We can do something positive for the children! Expand.

 So, the plans are on the ground already. We will do some extension. But the money issue is sure here to be solved. Who will provide the funds? Parents?Teachers? Children? The public?
The answer?

Including this dear ex-student. Currently the F & B manager of a well-known resort, Victor is here to play his role too. He spoke and motivated the students to behave and give. It was kind of him to extend his help and his charisma sure touched many hearts. His willingness to come in during his off day has impressed many teachers and they are proud of this old boy. It is rewarding to see your ward coming back to assist his Alma Mater in small and big ways. This is a success story for the school.

The teachers have tried hard to win and lure the hearts of the students. Attractive prizes have been set to create competition and hopefully the funds will be raised sufficiently for the cause.Will my children rise up to the occasion? Will they hear the cries of our hearts and come forward to help? We teach them humility and the art of asking. Many fight shy of this; too proud to ask. We tell them it is a privilege to ask for a noble cause. Will they follow us ?

The stage is indeed set for the race.
Run, my children run.
Help your school.

Dear haze. Please go away and let us have a meaningful run this weekend.

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