Thursday, June 05, 2014

The National Champion

 Union is strength.
Such is the strength of this choir.
I see it grow from strength to strength way back a decade ago.
From a small gathering of enthusiasts it grew in leaps and bounds; a group that lured like minds - the great minds. Great minds surely think alike and ultimately the good attracts the good.
They concur that Rome was not built in a day; the choir never did. It took years of toil and labour before the fruit of success was reaped. They were into musical productions; Grease, Mama Mia, Footloose and the training did them wonders.
More haste less speed; they heeded that and so their slow and steady game won the race.
They poured  in sacrifices, time, money and were determined to make things work for surely when the going get tough, the tough get going. The team was unique and good factors paved the way for sweet success. Good things definitely come to those who wait patiently and who strive relentlessly. 

Perhaps worth mentioning are the parents. They are supportive, sporting and steady in allowing them to practice irregardless of time and day chauffeuring them like nobody's business. Such is also a factor of victory; for they understood that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link and their children cannot afford to be that link. 

 Congratulations boys and girls.
The Seafield League.

They are fighters right from young; Praveena. Haziq, Vanessa and Shakir. They never do things by halves as they poured in their souls for the cup. Good job. They say little boys should be seen but not heard; but such is not true of Shakir. He is the vocal one and is also the one who informs me of the well-being of the choir. When they were announced the Champion, he had to be heard ! Messages came in and I am grateful and delighted to hear from him. He is a good boy. I know he will grow up to be a fine young man and do his mother proud. 
The Seafield Choir is one to be envied and their success story is a well-deserved one. They have done their school proud in tandem with it being the niche area of the Cluster School Status.

Kudos ever.

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